Croatian Association of Teachers of English

valamar novo

HUPE Conference

Event postponed2

Dear registered participants,

As you know, we had to postpone our conference and we are happy to announce new dates: 13th to 15th November 2020 in Valamar Poreč.

If you haven't changed your mind and are looking forward to our conference, we are already saving a place for you and you do not need to confirm your arrival once again. However, if you wish to withdraw your application and would like a full refund of the conference fee, please send an e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and include all the relevant data, eg. all the names, school and IBAN for refund. You can ask for FULL refund at any time until October 1, 2020. Please allow three weeks for refund, our treasurer is only one and she must prepare for online classes just like all of us do. After that date, we will not be returning any registrations. Valamar hotels has already refunded all the payments for accommodation.

Once again, all registrations made for the April conference will automatically be deferred to November and all confirmed speakers will have their proposal automatically accepted for inclusion in the programme.

Of course, new registrations for the conference will be possible. We are also happy to inform you that we have negotiated lower accommodation prices for November.

We will regularly post all the relevant information on our Facebook and HUPE webpage.

Stay healthy and positive, inspire and be inspired!

See you in November,

28th HUPE conference 2020

28th HUPE conference 2020

April 24-26

Valamar Hotels Poreč

See you soon!

Speakers proposal November 29 – December 31 2019 (30/45/60 minute workshops)

Registration from December 1 (Early bird until January 31)

What to expect?

  • about 60 workshops and 4 plenaries
  • national and international speakers
  • AGM meeting, news, questions and answers
  • Social: Evening show Fromus to youQuiz 9o9o by Nino Sertić, DJ dance-offTour of Poreč 
  • raffle, prizes and awards
  • Book swap
  • Hall of Fame
  • positive atmosphere, meeting old and making new friends

… and a few secrets to be announced later

Follow us on and Facebook

Put the dates in your calendar!

Conference Programme

Dear HUPE Conference participants,

Here is the Conference Programme so you can check it out before you come to Poreč, and maybe decide which talks / workshops you wouldn't miss for the world.

See you in Poreč!
HUPE Organising Committee


Conference Programme

Škola za život / School for Life - Panel discussion

The 60-minute discussion with the aim to present the news and to answer the questions about ELT within the curricular reform in Croatia, the “School for life” experimental programme in Croatian schools, the online professional development for teachers, Loomen, the role of British Council in support to the Ministry of Science and Education. The panellists are Helena Valečić (MZO), Aida Salamanca (British Council Croatia), Jakob Patekar, Izabela Vujičić Capar, Livija Pribanić, Irena Pavlović, Sanja Božinović (members of the Professional Working Group for Curriculum Development of the English language Curriculum), Anita Žepina(member of the Group and a teacher in a School for Life school). 

The discussion will be in Croatian, with the translation into English if necessary.

Discussion moderator: Sanja Božinović

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